01.03.2023, 08:36 pm United Internet acquires 13.9 million treasury shares during its public share buyback offer pdf
14.02.2023, 08:15 pm Ad-hoc Disclosure acc. to Art. 17 MAR: Resolutions to reduce capital by cancelling own shares and to make a public share buyback offer pdf
07.02.2023, 05:56 pm Ad-hoc Disclosure acc. to Art. 17 MAR: Final offer price for IPO of IONOS Group SE set at EUR 18.50 per share pdf
27.01.2023, 06:02 am Ad-hoc Disclosure acc. to Art. 17 MAR: United Internet and Warburg Pincus announce price range and offer structure for Initial Public Offering of IONOS Group SE pdf
15.11.2022, 07:30 am IONOS intends to continue strong growth and to expand leading market position in Web Presence & Productivity and grow in the Cloud business pdf