In accordance with its legal status, United Internet AG operates a dual management and monitoring structure comprising two corporate bodies: the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The third body is the Shareholders’ Meeting.
The United Internet AG Management Board
The Management Board is the body charged with managing the group’s operations and consists of Ralph Dommermuth, Carsten Theurer and Markus Huhn. It manages operations in accordance with its legal and statutory obligations as well as the rules of procedure approved by the Supervisory Board. It is responsible for preparing the quarterly and annual financial statements as well as for appointing key managers within the company. Decisions of fundamental importance require the approval of the Supervisory Board.
The United Internet AG Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting and consists of six members. The Supervisory Board monitors and advises the Management Board in the management of the company. The Supervisory Board regularly discusses business development, planning, strategy and its implementation. It examines the quarterly reports and approves annual budgets as well as the annual financial statements of the parent company and the group. In doing so, it also takes the reports of the company’s external auditors into account. Its responsibilities also include appointing members of the Management Board and determining their remuneration.