"United Internet for UNICEF" collects over 10 million euros

Just in time for its fourth anniversary, donations received by the charitable foundation "United Internet for UNICEF" recently exceeded the 10-million-euro mark. "We are absolutely delighted to have collected such an impressive amount in just four years and at the same time to have gained 6,900 active accounts making regular donations to the foundation. In the current year alone, we have received over 3.5 million euros. I would naturally like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have made donations via WEB.DE, GMX and 1&1," says Tess Ulrich, chairperson of the foundation's Executive Board.

"We regard this as both confirmation and motivation to continue our commitment to corporate social responsibility in future," states Ralph Dommermuth, CEO of United Internet AG and founder of the charitable foundation.

UNICEF also stressed the importance of United Internet as one of its biggest collectors of donations in Germany: "We would like to congratulate the "United Internet for UNICEF" foundation on their success and look forward to further successful cooperation so that we can continue to help people in need. We have already been able to realize numerous UNICEF projects as a direct result of the foundation's high level of donations. For example, the foundation recently provided over one million euros to support our emergency aid for Pakistan. This enabled us to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of children and protect them against the spread of disease," says Christian Schneider, CEO of UNICEF Germany.

A further project which the foundation supports is currently being held in West Africa and Djibouti. Together with TOSTAN, UNICEF organizes educational courses in villages and teaches women and children to read, write and calculate. This helps people to shape their own futures while also providing an education for their children.

The foundation was set up in September 2006 by Ralph Dommermuth with the aim of improving the lives of children and people in need and actively shaping their future. With its long-term support for development projects, the foundation can help children and people in need get better education, as well as securing access to clean water and providing care for AIDS orphans. Users of WEB.DE, GMX and 1&1 are regularly informed about selected UNICEF activities and invited to send their donations. All the money sent is passed on 100 percent - approx. 90 percent to the German Committee for UNICEF and about ten percent to other international humanitarian aids organizations.

United Internet also makes donations itself as part of the special campaigns it runs. In two e-mail campaigns held in October and November 2009, for example, all amounts up to 100 euros donated by sustaining members were doubled for the first three months of membership. The next special campaign is expected to be held during the Christmas season.

Further details on "United Internet for UNICEF" can be found at: www.united-internet-for-unicef.de