Maika-Alexander Stangenberg to head Corporate Communications at United Internet

Montabaur, May 02, 2013. Maika-Alexander Stangenberg (42) will take over as Head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs of United Internet AG as of May 1. His responsibilities will include communication for the brands 1&1, GMX and WEB.DE of the TecDax-listed company.

Stangenberg is changing from energy service provider ista, where he headed the Corporate Communications & Public Affairs division as well as Brand Management as Vice President. He previously held various positions at Deutsche Telekom, including that of Press Spokesperson and Head of Press Office at T-Mobile. In his last position, he was responsible for the technology communication of Deutsche Telekom. 

In his new role, Stangenberg will report as Divisional Manager to CEO Ralph Dommermuth. He succeeds Wolf Osthaus, who is leaving the company at his own request in order to take up a new professional challenge.