Change in Management Board of United Internet AG

  • Frank Krause appointed new CFO of United Internet AG
  • Norbert Lang leaving company after 21 successful years

Montabaur, April 23, 2015. The long-serving Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of United Internet AG, Mr. Norbert Lang, is to leave the company at his own request on June 30, 2015. He will be succeeded by Mr. Frank Krause, a financial professional with extensive experience in this sector.

After 21 years in the United Internet Group, 13 years of which as CFO, Norbert Lang has decided to create more free time for private matters and new projects.

Mr. Lang played a key role in developing United Internet into Europe’s leading internet specialist. As CFO, he drove United Internet’s growth via acquisitions and investments and adapted the Group’s structures to the changing circumstances. With numerous capital and funding measures, he created the financial scope for continued growth. The Supervisory Board and Management Board thank Mr. Lang for his extremely successful work.

Ralph Dommermuth, founder and CEO of United Internet, states: “Norbert Lang’s achievements cannot be praised highly enough. He is an outstanding businessman whose professionalism and human touch never ceased to inspire me in our 21 years of close and cooperative collaboration. Despite all the challenges, we never had a single bad day in all this time!”

Norbert Lang will stay in close contact with the United Internet Group via his seats on the supervisory boards of various companies in which the Group holds equity stakes.

The company’s Supervisory Board has been able to engage the services of Mr. Frank Krause (50) as the new CFO of United Internet AG. After studying business administration, Mr. Krause began his career in the Controlling division of Mannesmann Mobilfunk (D2) in 1992. From 1999 to 2007, he was Head of Controlling at the Mannesmann (and later Vodafone) subsidiary Arcor, before serving as Director of Controlling & Regions (Mobile & Fixed-Line) at Vodafone Germany from 2007 to mid 2009. In addition to day-to-day operations, he was responsible there for the financial aspects of Arcor’s integration into the Vodafone Group.

From mid 2009 to the end of 2013, Frank Krause worked for Vodafone in Hungary and Turkey. In July 2009, he was appointed CFO of Vodafone Hungary and in September 2012 he took over the CFO position at Vodafone Turkey. Since the beginning of 2014, Mr. Krause and his family have been back in Germany, where he serves on the Management Board of Vodafone Germany with responsibility for Strategy & Corporate Development.

Throughout the 23 years or so of his professional career, Mr. Krause has also served on the supervisory boards of numerous companies belonging to the Vodafone Group. He has sat on the supervisory boards of Netcom Kassel, Vodafone Hungary, Vodafone Cyprus, Vodafone Germany and Vodafone Operations Center Hungary, as well as Kabel Deutschland.