Ad hoc announcement acc. to Sec. 15 WpHG: United Internet posts most successful 1st quarter of its history, Earnings per share up 46.2%

Montabaur, May 7, 2008. The Management Board of United Internet AG today adopted the Group?s consolidated results according to IFRS for the first quarter of 2008. There was strong year-on-year growth in all key performance indicators.

Consolidated sales of United Internet AG achieved year-on-year growth of 19.3%, from EUR 336.9 million to EUR 402.0 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) grew by 31.2%, from EUR 63.4 million to EUR 83.2 million. Net income grew by 46.0%, from EUR 30.9 million (comparable prior-year figure) to EUR 45.1 million. Earnings per share (EPS) climbed 46.2%, from EUR 0.13 (comparable prior-year figure) to EUR 0.19.

Quarterly comparison in EUR million Q1 2007 Q1 2008 Growth
Sales 336.9 402.0 19.3%
EBITDA 63.4 83.2 31.2%
Net income 30.9 45.1 46.0%
EPS in EUR 0.13 0.19 46.2%

The number of fee-based customer contracts grew to 7.46 million as of March 31, 2008 (prior year: 6.55 million). Of this total, the Information Management product line accounted for 1.24 million (prior year: 1.12 million), the Webhosting business for 3.31 million (prior year: 2.92 million), of which 1.63 million were outside Germany (prior year: 1.30 million), and Internet Access for 2.91 million (prior year: 2.51 million), of which 2.78 million were DSL contracts (prior year: 2.36 million). In comparison with March 31, 2007 the number of telephony customers grew by 540,000 to 1.91 million. Over 1 billion telephone minutes were completed per month (prior year: 780 million).

Customer contracts in million 03-31-2007 12-31-2007 03-31-2008
Information Management 1.12 1.21 1.24
Webhosting 2.92 3.21 3.31
Thereof abroad 1.30 1.55 1.63
Internet Access 2.51 2.81 2.91
Thereof DSL 2.36 2.67 2.78
Total 6.55 7.23 7.46

The report on the 1st quarter of 2008 will be published on May 9, 2008.