Ad hoc announcement acc. to Sec. 15 WpHG: United Internet acquires Spanish webhosting and cloud specialist Arsys

Montabaur, August 19, 2013. United Internet AG (Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany, ISIN: DE0005089031), Montabaur, today agreed a deal with the owners of Arsys Internet S.L. (C\Chile 54, 26007 Logroño, Spain), the private equity companies Carlyle Group and Mercapital as well as further original shareholders, concerning the acquisition of a 100% stake in Arsys by United Internet’s subsidiary 1&1 Internet AG.

Arsys employs 290 people and is one of the leading players on Spain’s webhosting and cloud computing market with over 150,000 customers, annual sales of around EUR 40 million, and EBITDA of some EUR 15 million. The company’s products are served from the company’s own two data centers in Spain.

Arsys will continue to be run by the current management team as an independent company. In future, United Internet will therefore be represented on the Spanish market by both the 1&1 and Arsys brands.

In the course of the transaction, Arsys has been valued at up to EUR 140 million (cash free / debt free) and the purchase is to be settled in cash. The transaction is expected to be completed over the next few days.