Ad hoc announcement acc. to Sec. 15 WpHG: Talks started about possible strategic alliance between AdLINK and United Internet Media

Montabaur, December 1, 2008. Today, AdLINK Internet Media AG (ISIN DE0005490155, AdLINK Group) and United Internet Media AG commenced talks about a possible strategic alliance. United Internet Media AG markets the WEB.DE, GMX and 1&1 portals and shopping portal of United Internet AG, and together with the AdLINK Group is a member of the United Internet Group.

This step follows the recently agreed opening of the Target Group Planning (TGP) targeting system for the digital market. Developed by United Internet Media and previously used exclusively by the company, TGP targeting technology was opened up for use by other online marketers in September 2008. The AdLINK Group was the first partner for the technology in Germany.

The investigation of a possible strategic alliance decided today will focus on the further development of media and advertising technologies, as well as product development and the possibility of cooperative marketing. Further possibilities involving even closer cooperation are not excluded and may lead to the full legal integration of United Internet Media AG and the listed AdLINK Group. The stock market listing of the AdLINK Group is not under discussion. The same is true for the positioning of AdLINK as a marketer for third-party websites and for United Internet Media AG as a marketer of the group?s own websites.